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Courses and Lectures

I'm currently lecturing 3 courses where I share my lifelong passion, knowledge and both personal and professional experience about trauma, addictions and trauma-informed approach.

1) Trauma and addiction

2-day course about the connection between addictions and trauma, and raising awareness about trauma-informed approach.

Lectured together with my amazing colleague and friend Pavel Nepustil.

Hosted by NGO Renadi, Brno, Czech Republic.

2) Addictions done differently

2-day course about addictions in their wider context: the role of society, trauma, and the journey from stigmatization towards seeing addictions as an opportunity for personal and social growth.

Hosted by NGO Podane ruce, Brno, Czech Republic.

3) Working with trauma

2-day course about trauma and trauma-informed approach applicable in working with clients in various helping professions.

Hosted by NGO Podane ruce, Brno, Czech Republic.

All 3 courses are accredited by the Czech Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs MPSV.

Scheduled dates for 2024 🕐​​

  • 8.-9. March 2024: Trauma and addiction​​, Renadi, Brno​

       🔗 link for registration

  • 18.-19. April 2024: Working with trauma, Usti nad Labem

  • 29.-30. April 2024: Addictions done differently, Podane ruce, Brno​

       🔗 link for registration

  • 9.-10. May 2024: Trauma and addiction, Armada spasy, Praha​​

  • 26.-27. September 2024: Trauma and addiction, Ceske Budejovice

  • 22.-23. October 2024: Addictions done differently, Bratislava, SK

  • 18.-19. November 2024: Working with trauma, Podane ruce, Brno

  • 21.-22. November 2024: Trauma and addiction, Skutec

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